Monday, September 8, 2008

Big girl tricks

Wow, so I have been very neglectful of posting this summer, but it kind of goes with the territory, we were so busy.
I have a little video of her sweetness and more things to report than I have time to write. In short she is a stander extraordinaire, she babbles like crazy and makes us howl, she 'walks' everything that will move all over the apartment (we find dining room chairs down the hall in front of the bedrooms quite frequently) and she has a new best bud, Leo, from downstairs and they have a ball playing together. Oh not to mention her love affair with the cat from downstairs as well, all one sided I'm afraid, but she does not seem to mind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the videos! Time is flying by, soon she'll be a year! Love Gama