Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Darndest Things

Lily said something funny last night, as per usual these days, but it got me to thinking that we need to be recording these things so that in 10 years (or by next week) we remember the things that have made us realize how friggin' fantastic it is to be witness to the development of her person.

Kids really do say the darndest things, and I for one would like to remember each and every one of them, but I can barely remember what she said yesterday so for a little while at least I'm going to try and record them here.

Last night getting ready for her bath, so she was just in her diaper at this point, she stood outside the office door while Jesse and I were looking at something on the computer.
She was arching her back and sticking her belly out and taking great pleasure in doing so. She was touching her belly button and kept slapping her belly like a fat man just back from the all-you-can-eat buffet.
She looked up at us mid-arch and said "you like that, guys?"

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