Sunday, February 10, 2008

3 months and she keeps getting cuter

With the technology of the digital camera I fear that we will have thousands of pictures of Lily by her first birthday. Here is a sampling of some more recent pictures...

Hey cow are you lookin' at my tush?

Woah there's that silver box again, is it looking at my tush?

ahem, please do not disturb I'm about to find out what happened to the 10th ladybug

apparently it got eaten

Like my hat?

Hey friends, do you like my hat?

Holy cow who let Daddy dress me?

Forget what I said, I love it!

I don't think I can cross my legs anymore Mommy

Hey did I hear something about dinner being soon?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love this post...what a cutie! grammie young