So one of the things that I wasn't prepared for (among many) are the milestones that your baby should reach each week, month, year. All the time that I was pregnant I never worried about when she would sit up, crawl, walk, talk etc., I just figured it happens when it happens.
However, after having Lily, all the books, magazines and internet information focus so much on your child's development that you can't help but become overly obsessed.
Oh my god it's week 6 and she hasn't discovered her feet, does that mean she'll never read???
Of course because babies are only supposed to sleep on their backs these days there is a big push to have them experience "tummy time" every day. Well Lily hates it, so I've been worried about how she will ever learn to crawl if she can't stand to be on her tummy for more than 5 seconds.
Having said all of that one of the most amazing things about having a baby is seeing the development that happens on a daily basis, even the smallest things are apparent and then occasionally something really big happens. So far in her first 8 weeks there have been a couple, like making noise (other than crying) and today I witnessed two more. One that I was able to capture on video which you can see here...
The other was that she rolled over from her tummy to her back! Now in all fairness I rolled her from her back to her tummy first and her arm was tucked under her body in such a way that it made it quite easy, but then nothing seems to be easy when they are this young so that makes it a BIG deal.
I am fighting the pressure of the "milestone" calendar and am for the most part relaxed about what she does and when she does it, but I can't deny the excitement when something does happen.
Oh man! Suzanne, this made my day. I only checked about, oh, a brazillion times, and then finally, there she was!
Good work, Lily! Love the face smash at the end...too funny.
My Grandbaby is so special!!! She'll be walking in no time
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